鳳凰美田 いちご 士多啤梨酒 500ml

鳳凰美田 いちご 士多啤梨酒 500ml
鳳凰美田 いちご 士多啤梨酒 500ml

鳳凰美田 いちご 士多啤梨酒 500ml

Regular price HKD 239.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.


容量: 500ml

酒精度: 5-6%

品牌: 鳳凰美田

酒造: 小林酒造

區域: 栃木

精米步合: N/A

現凡購買任何產品滿港幣$600 元可享免費送貨服務。

Free delivery on all orders over HKD $600

顧客凡透過本網站訂購酒類飲品,即聲明其已年滿18 歲。Customers declare that he/she is over 18 years old when purchasing intoxicating liquor via this website.
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香港客戶購買任何酒類滿港幣$600 元可享免費送貨服務。
"Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."